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Full Version: Importing a Theme (MyBB)
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OK so I have finally got my site up and running. The only problem I now have is trying to import a theme that I downloaded. I have tried to upload the zip and always get an error. I have also uploaded the xml into my images folder. Nothing seems to work. Please help.
You upload the images to the image server's folder then go into the admin CP and upload the .xml file and name the theme.
You must extract the .zip file and then put it in the correct location through the FTP, the location is the "images" folder. Then upload the .xml file through Administration Control Panel and then activate it.

Enjoy, if you are still facing issues, please contact me.
As everyone else said you need to extract the files, go into the images folder of the template then upload that into FTP. You should now have /images/templateName. Then go to ACP -> Templates & Style -> Import then select the XML file.
extract the zip
upload the files
go to the acp and import the xml.
All sorted on this side of things. Thank you so much.
Glad you got this sorted.
Problem solved.