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Full Version: FileZilla Refusing to connect
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OK so now I have paid hosting Smile. I am trying to get FileZilla to connect to my FTP so I can upload the MyBB files. But it is refusing. I get the 'could not connect to server' error every time. My password and username are both correct. I just don't understand. Could somebody possibly assist me?
Do you have the correct FTP server inputted?
(11-14-2010, 09:48 PM)Pineapple Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have the correct FTP server inputted?

Yes this is also correct Sad. Lol did you see the reason behind my last problem?? :facepalm:
Have you tried connecting to or or in your web browser?

(Not sure which one it is).
Something has to be wrong in your settings....Or it would connect. I would Double check and make sure. Even copy them and paste if you have to.
Double check your settings. Usually you have a different FTP password than you do for your cpanel.

It that fails, contact your host.
Check if they use a different port for FTP.
All sorted. Thanks for your help guys.
