Ok anyone who is good at Black Ops zombies would you like to add me as a friend so I can play with good people rather than the usual crap kids.
Not sure how to add friends, is it through steam?
Anyway my steam name is untouch555. Only got steam for Black Ops.
p.s. also anyone else who I know here can add me.
I'd add you.
If I'd have that game.
I hate it on XBox360, Only ever get to wave five by myself, you can add me on Steam anyway if you want
You get a map when you complete the story, and the map really isn't that impressive. I do have steam but not the game and my Xbox just broke. -Sadfaic
There is 2 maps that you can do zombies maybe there will be more releases later.
There is problems with the zombie servers right now and people can't connect.
It's best on the PC that's Black Ops in general not just zombies.
I recommend getting the classic maps.
I've added you mate. Hope to play with you sometime. My nickname is WhiteOp.
lots of people have added me but they don't show in my friends list..
Do I need to add them too?
You need to visit your community page, the invitations show up there.
Click "Community Home" under your name in your friends list.
got it now thankyou.
Been owning on black ops zombies and everyone keeps asking for my steam.