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(11-09-2010, 01:42 PM)Extra Wrote: [ -> ]I think we will all just die from nuclear wars anyways.

If this breaks out, there will not be more than one.
And here was me thinking the US Government was responsible for 9/11...
i think you are true... way to true.
(11-09-2010, 01:45 PM)Riggs Wrote: [ -> ]And here was me thinking the US Government was responsible for 9/11...


Nah. I agree.
(11-09-2010, 01:56 PM)Ameise Wrote: [ -> ]Conspiricist.

Nah. I agree.

Just throwing this out there.

(11-09-2010, 01:45 PM)Riggs Wrote: [ -> ]And here was me thinking the US Government was responsible for 9/11...

In one way or another Sleep
They were responsible, but not in the way everyone thinks.

They built the country around the economy, the economy was the backbone of the world, and the terrorists knew that.

Our economy is collapsing and the country will follow sadly.
(11-09-2010, 01:12 PM)Magiicâ„¢ Wrote: [ -> ]*Cough* US Marines do it anyway.
Yeah and unfortunately they get in trouble for it, which is dumb. Its war, its not flag football
It kinda sucks since all of this is true..
(11-09-2010, 09:51 AM)Xander Wrote: [ -> ]It's not all about oil, if needed, we would simply drill in other areas.

It's not about drilling, the whole economy depends on oil.

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