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Full Version: How to prevent from getting your Msn hacked
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In this topic I'm going to tell you how to prevent from getting your Msn Hacked. I'm not going to talk about phishers, or keyloggers, but Social Engineering. I have seen multiple people getting his Msn hacked by this specific technique.

List of what are you going to learn, now some you might know this, but this is for people who doesn't:

  1. How they can hack your Msn without a keylogger or a phisher?[Answered]
  2. Say No to strangers
  3. Don't give your real information to new people you have met
  4. Do not click Links that you are not sure what it is


How they can hack your Msn without a keylogger or a phisher?

For people who doesn't know there is another way to get your Msn without a keylogger and/or phisher. This is called Social Engineering Hackers now use their social skills to get personal data from their victim's in order to Revert your Msn.

This is what most Hackers look when they talk to you:

  1. E-mail
  2. Date of Birth
  3. IP
  4. The answer to the Secret Question
  5. The ZIP or Postal Code
  6. Internet Service Provider
  7. Last date you last signed in(they could guess to the nearest day)

It should look like this:

[Image: Tutorial4-2.jpg]


Say No to strangers Nono

Stay away from people you don't know in Msn is really important. You never know what intentions (s)he has against you, and the only smart thing to do is to delete them and put them in block list here is an example:

[Image: Tutorial1-1.jpg]
In this picture is a contact that I'm not familiar and don't really know who (s)he is, so what I'm going to do is this

[Image: Tutorial2-1.jpg]
(Sorry if is in Spanish, but is my native language. Is really similar as other different language.) Now what we are going to do is to check those two boxes that will delete the contact from your list, and it will blocked them from reaching you again.

[Image: Tutorial3-1.jpg]
It should look something like this now you need to press the left button to delete the contact.

Don't give your real information to new people you have met

Some people get confident with new people they have just met, and is not a good idea. Social Engineers Look this opportunity to get the value information in conversations the victim thinks is like a regular conversation. If they ask for your name or birthday just tell them "Is not your business", but if you don't want to be rude you can just make a name and a birthday.

Tip: Don't give any personal data to anybody you have just met or even who people you do know because they might get hacked and you don't know about.

Do not click Links that you are not sure what it is

This is very important. Do Not click a link from a person you do not trust or you don't know what is the link about. Social Engineers use this to get your IP, and when they get your IP they can get your ISP (Internet Service Provider)

One specific link you should NEVER click is the ones that start like this:


(That is not the full link I don't want to give it, but is related to that one). Don't click it after you have click to a related link like that one they will get your IP and your other option is to talk to you ISP to change it.

The End

You are very welcome to leave your opinions, and feedbacks Oui
Nice [TUT] /guide did you have fun typing it?
(10-12-2009, 01:45 PM)Agent Wrote: [ -> ]Nice [TUT] /guide did you have fun typing it?

Yea I had :p so much fun typing it, and thanks Smile
Really obvious stuff here but I guess it could help someone. Anyway its well written and if I was computer dumb it would be helpful.
(10-12-2009, 02:28 PM)R3c0nn1ssanc3 Wrote: [ -> ]Really obvious stuff here but I guess it could help someone. Anyway its well written and if I was computer dumb it would be helpful.

Yes is very simple, but it will help somebody Smile.

Thanks for your feedback
Don't forget to say to check the address bar, phishers are more and more common every day.
(10-12-2009, 02:47 PM)Gbkurek Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget to say to check the address bar, phishers are more and more common every day.

Actually this is to prevent Msn reverting, but thanks for the tip Smile
(10-12-2009, 02:47 PM)Gbkurek Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget to say to check the address bar, phishers are more and more common every day.

ya thats the main way to stop web based phishing.
not trying to flame but thats all common sence
Nice little guide, I personally knew all of this already, but it will help out the new comers, also... Why don't you put up a social engineering convosation up so people can see what kind of things will be said, and then can look out for them, it's just an idea and a bit of feedback.

Congratulations on your thread tho, it's a nice guide.
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