Alright so basically, Junior year for me started in September. I am taking 7 classes out of 9 periods in the day. 2 of those classes are AP Computer Science and AP US History. Another is Precalc. Most juniors take algebra 2 at my school. The other 2 that are challenging me are Spanish 3 and Integrated Chem/Phys II. The final 2 classes don't challenge me and I have 2 pretty good grades in, so they aren't really that important to know what they are.
Basically, since the beginning of summer, my parents have been on my back everyday about doing work, studying and getting ready for school. I have been getting annoyed and I have just started flipping out lately. Saying stuff and then just going upstairs into my room. I am trying my hardest in all of my classes, but unfortunately I have 2 Ds, Chem/Phys II and Spanish 3. My parents unplugged all of my computer hardware and my dad actually somewhat broke the front panel of my $1200 gaming rig while unplugging everything. I have really been stressed out and am quick to anger with everyone because this is going on. I don't talk to my brother who is away at U of I. Whenever my parents talk to me, it's them telling me to go do homework. If I have done my homework, they tell me to go study more.
I need some way to deal with all of this stress. Everyday I just get more and more pissed off. I have already tried talking to my parents and I've been trying to show them that I'm trying. They don't believe me and they seem to think I'm lazy.
Thanks SF!
I went through a stage like this man, everyone got on my nerves and my parents being on my back just annoyed me so much. You need to try and realize that your parents aren't saying this to wind you up. They want the best for you in life and they're probably stressing out about your grades. You just need to stick it out with your classes. Try and take a genuine interest and organize yourself into improving your grades.
You'll soon get into a routine and into the swing of things. Good luck with it all.
(10-28-2010, 02:20 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]I went through a stage like this man, everyone got on my nerves and my parents being on my back just annoyed me so much. You need to try and realize that your parents aren't saying this to wind you up. They want the best for you in life and they're probably stressing out about your grades. You just need to stick it out with your classes. Try and take a genuine interest and organize yourself into improving your grades.
You'll soon get into a routine and into the swing of things. Good luck with it all.
The only problem is they don't realize how I do my homework... I did my homework for the classes I am doing well in while I was on my gaming rig. I had resources on there that helped me and I would get off when it came time to study for tests and do the harder homework. I have tried explaining my routine and they kinda roll their eyes because they don't understand technology. The problem with that is I want to be a computer engineer...
It's extremely important that you listen to what they are saying. I may sound like an idiot, but it is true. If you are getting D's in AP Classes, you either do not belong in the class or you are not trying your absolute hardest. Don't think of your parents as nudging them, think of them as motivating you, and you will see your grades rising. Coming on a forum for help is what you should not do when you have two D's, either.
Chill out.
Don't react to what they do.
If they yell,
Just say ok ok and crap like that.
They'll leave you alone.
(10-28-2010, 02:30 PM)Reality Wrote: [ -> ]It's extremely important that you listen to what they are saying. I may sound like an idiot, but it is true. If you are getting D's in AP Classes, you either do not belong in the class or you are not trying your absolute hardest. Don't think of your parents as nudging them, think of them as motivating you, and you will see your grades rising. Coming on a forum for help is what you should not do when you have two D's, either.
I have off tomorrow. I'm doing my homework tomorrow... The two D's are not in AP classes. I am doing pretty well in the AP classes actually.
You've just got to suck it up :\ They do want the best for you, and there's not much you can do about it really. Best thing to do is try even harder, like they're saying, get your grades up, and get your stuff back.
My dad is ALWAYS on my back about Math.
He constantly wants me to study my math everyday, and he sometimes makes me study WITH HIM.
(10-30-2010, 10:21 AM)martinn Wrote: [ -> ]My dad is ALWAYS on my back about Math.
He constantly wants me to study my math everyday, and he sometimes makes me study WITH HIM.
Fortunately I think my dad is past that stage since I'm a junior in high school... It's good to know that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by it. Thanks
Sam really couldn't of said it any better. I am sure your parents are trying to do what's best for you. If you really are concerned about what's going on, you might want to sit down and talk to them about it. Let them know that your computer may seem like a distraction, but it really something important in your life. Try to compromise. Tell them that if you are allowed the priveliges of utilizing your electronics, you will devote one hour of your day to studying and completing homework.
If you are not doing very well in your classes, try seeing your teachers for extra help. I am sure they will be glad to assist you, and even more happy to see that you are taking the initiative to improve your grades. If it has to do with your organizational skills or the fact that you may not be paying much attention in class, there are many tutorials on this forum and around the internet that may be of assistance to you, considering your circumstance.
My best advice, is to put everything in perspective. What is more important to you? Receiving good grades in order to possibly peruse a post-secondary education, or utilizing your electronics for an extra hour per day? I suggest you at least try what your parents are advising. Who knows, maybe you will begin to take pride in your academics, which will most-likely be reflected upon when your next report card is distributed.
Good luck with solving your conflicts, and feel free to make an inquiry in the event that you want clarifaction on anything I have mentioned. I am here to help! :]