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Full Version: Throat Burns now and then
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Now before I begin, I know about the soar throat when you swallow when you're sick, this isn't that feeling.

This is the second time it has happened and I haven't thought much of it, but it feels like how you feel after you throw up in your throat, burning.

Has anyone ever had this?
Happens to me all the time man, mine goes away after awhile usually but if i dont get something to drink very soon after it happens i will puke. I personally think it is acid because i use to have acid reflex and it would feel quite a bit like this and it feels like this when i dry heave
I was thinking it was acid as well. I guess I should start drinking more water, less soda.
I've had this before as well, my mom had to take me to the doctor to get it check and prescribed me a medicine to cure it.
I have quit soda the last 2 weeks and it has happened alot less so that might be a good idea.
yer my damn school just likes to shove all the junk in our faces so we have to work harder in gym.
its a high concentration of acids..
get your stomach neautralized (no spell check)
its bile from your stomach. maybe because you've eaten too much. Happens to me a lot. Especially right after I've woken up if I eat a whole lot the night before. Just cut down on what you eat before bed and how much you eat and you'll be fine
You have acidity in your stomach!
When your stomach can't digest something, it produces more acid to digest the food and in that way, that causes heart burning etc.