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Full Version: Can anyone recommended me some decent bands?
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Hello, I've recently reformatted my computer and decided I need some new music. Big Grin

I would like to find some decent electro-pop, chiptune, and other high-energy music that'll make you dance. Big Grin

Maybe throw in a bit of dubstep here in there too. Big Grin

I also am looking for some fast-hitting metal/rock, things like Wednesday 13, GG Allin, etc.
Checkout Ellie goulding, she is one of my favourite artists at the moment
(10-28-2010, 05:06 AM) Wrote: [ -> ]Checkout Ellie goulding, she is one of my favourite artists at the moment

I'm gonna marry her someday. Big Grin

I love her, she's awesome, and her smile is adorable.