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Okay, so, unless you're using a custom version of XP, it most likely comes with that silly 'bliss' theme. While this may be 'okay', it's just never good enough! Thankfully, there're billions upon billions of 'themes' to choose from. A 'theme' is basically how your OS displays icons, the taskbar, the start menu, which colors to use, what cursors to use; everything! A lot of themes simply change the color/layout, but some themes, aptly named 'transformation packs', will change your cursors and icons as well.

First, you can buy themes. However, if you plan on doing that, please stop reading ^_^ Since Windows has is so simple (or maybe just poorly secured), you have to 'crack' a .dll file so that you can apply any type of theme you want (as far as I know).

So, first, we must decide which patch you must use. This is quite simple; if you use Windows XP Sp2, use this one. If you use Windows XP Sp3, then use this one. So, regardless of which one you had to download, you'll want to extract it, then copy/paste it into your C:\Windows\System32 folder. If Windows complains because it's in use, simply rename the original 'uxtheme.dll' to 'uxtheme1.dll', then paste the one you downloaded.

You MIGHT have to reboot your computer. I don't know. Anyway, let's progress. There're MANY websites out there that have themes available to download, however, my favorite is Simply browse the themes until you find one that you like. Then, download it. It'll most likely be in .rar or .zip format. Now, unzip it wherever you want. I suggest you make a new folder purely for the theme. Now, most themes on that site are in MSStyles format, so, you can just go to the folder in which it was extracted and double click the MSStyles file. Wait 10 seconds or so, and your layout should match the theme.

Note that some themes come with different variations of the theme, for example "Midnight Blue", "Midnight Green", and "Midnight Red" all in the same .rar. If you want to switch from one theme to another, simply double click the new MSStyles file. Its contents will overwrite your current ones, but you can always revert back to it by double clicking the original MSStyles.

Transformation packs exist, for instance to make Windows XP look like Windows Vista or 7, but I've never used them, so I won't go into detail. I assume they are the same as regular themes, but I am not certain.

Great tutorial, i'm currently on the look for a new theme actually.

I'll post a screenshot of my desktop once I get a new theme Smile
You can also get great black theme that doesn't esquire any patching... Just google for "Royale Noir".
nice tutorial but i just use a cracked version of windowblinds Smile
nice tut thankx
There are great themes and icons and logons, and so on for XP.. but, I prefer performance. Not appearance. ;)
(10-08-2009, 09:08 PM)Headshot Wrote: [ -> ]There are great themes and icons and logons, and so on for XP.. but, I prefer performance. Not appearance. ;)

Was there a point to your post, or was it just spam?
tanks's help me a lot..
I dont suggest u to use window blinds...better is use themes that have theme extension....Only u need patch them..
this one and stuff heaven are the best
Very handy now all i need to do is find a really good comfortable theme.

If anyone could help me find a theme that looks like the future crap really high tech. already checked every theme on that site.
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