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ok guys why you increase your own blood pressure.


me indian
(10-13-2009, 01:04 AM)EXplore_System135 Wrote: [ -> ]ok guys why you increase your own blood pressure.


Ausfag dropping in, saying "wassup?"
yeah you are right
(10-12-2009, 08:39 AM)Agent Wrote: [ -> ]Australia, I'm Scottish though. Born here and so where my parents.

haha thats an odd move lolz Tongue
PLease don;t post foolish posts here.
(10-12-2009, 11:31 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]Tell me, OP; do they use excessive periods in Hindi? When you're speaking Hindi/Bengali/Urdu, do you use the same annoying amount of periods that you do in English? I'd like to think not, but you can never be so sure.

nope. no extended use of periods in those languages. i speak hindi and bengali.
im surprised someone in USA would know about bengali Blink
(10-13-2009, 07:32 AM)...w3 Wrote: [ -> ]nope. no extended use of periods in those languages. i speak hindi and bengali.
im surprised someone in USA would know about bengali Blink

I knew they didn't Tongue I was making a point.
And I consider myself knowledgeable in languages ^^
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