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Full Version: Every Indian should post in this thread........
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I'm not Indian, I'm Persian.

im indian.....currently in west bengal (place totally sucks)
born and brought up in bangalore
Im indian bro!!!!!!!! Lets have fun
I am from Long Feather.
haha..i'm malay and i'm from malaysia..
only two indians in this thread........
Tell me, OP; do they use excessive periods in Hindi? When you're speaking Hindi/Bengali/Urdu, do you use the same annoying amount of periods that you do in English? I'd like to think not, but you can never be so sure.
(10-12-2009, 08:20 AM)EXplore_System135 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello every Indian,
I am from Himachal Pradesh.........

Explains why your grammar is...not up to scratch.
Because English is not my native language.........
I feel sorry for that........
Well than can you please stop with extended use of [...]'s ?
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