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The concept is simple; someone asks a question, you answer it. It's a cesspool for spam, but so is most of the Internet.

There're a billion topics, such as Internet, Books & Authors, Religion, Beauty, blahblah. It's really fun to read about other peoples' problems and try to help them. Or, you can troll and think of the most offensive thing to say in response to a question.

It requires a yahoo! account.
Go to & enjoy.
nope.... people who use that haven't got answers to questions i want to ask
forums are better
I did for a while but i got banned and cbf with it.
i go there just to help people with their security pc problems.
I use Yahoo somtimes... mostly when I have unanswered questions.
Doing a google search, now a days, brings up 25% of the time a Yahoo Answer...
Majority of the people who answer on Yahoo! Answers are people who don't even know anything in the subject. I go on there sometimes to help out people with tech issues but a lot of people that post have no clue what they are talking about. It's a good idea, just not enough intelligent people out there that are willing to help for free.

"If your good at something, never do it for free."
+1 if you know where that's from.
I don't use it but, when I google questions like MOST OF THE TIME, I get my answers in a topic on Yahoo! Answers thing and it's already been asked by someone else.
It's quite handy if you have a question, yeah. I use it as well to get answers. But other than that that's it.
I use it, I'm a troll on it.
I read them sometimes when I'm searching for answers about certain things
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