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You know what I have trouble understanding that's English also?

Im French and I went to the USA last year, I had no problems. I understood the spoken language of Wisconsin ^^
(10-12-2009, 02:49 AM)NinjaGeek Wrote: [ -> ]Well I don't have any problems understanding spoken english, but for some reason I hate it when people speak with British accents.
And I freaking love the Irish accent.

It's just sometimes I have a problem realising that a person is speaking to me on english, because I speak few languages fluent without accent, and I simply start answering in the language that's first on my mind.
Sometimes it's funny but in most cases people are like wtf.

I know what you mean. Well, I only speak Swedish fluently, but my brother said something to me once in English, and I replied in Swedish. Probably because I was having a heated conversation with a Swedish penpal on MSN at the time.
im malaysian.. it's a bit difficult to understand what american
Born in England to a British mum and 1st generation American father (his family from Ireland), raised in Germany, and now live in the south USA. Please shoot me.
No issue here.
I grew up in the midwest and have been all over the country and I never have a problem with accents or anything. Some take a few seconds more thought but its not like I can't make out what words they are saying.
(10-12-2009, 06:21 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]I know what you mean. Well, I only speak Swedish fluently, but my brother said something to me once in English, and I replied in Swedish. Probably because I was having a heated conversation with a Swedish penpal on MSN at the time.

lol I have a story like that. A friend of mine speaks 3 languages, English, Spanish and Chinese (Dad's Australian, Mums Spanish, lives in China for work) and when he was younger he would get tired and just start speaking other languages to me and then you could see he was grumpy that i wasn't replying until he realised I had no clue what he was saying.
i perfectly understand english.. i just don't want those speaking too much slang.. like yoh bro, yo waz up.. by the way.. im filipino
(10-12-2009, 08:54 AM)Agent Wrote: [ -> ]I'm Australian, I don't have much trouble.
Same 'ere.
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