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Magic 8 ball

import os
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
    import random
    raw_input("Ask your question: ")
    a = ["Yes","No","Ask Again Later","Go die","Maybe"]
    p = random.choice(a)

Guessing Game

import random
import os
a = 0
g = 0
l = 1
b = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
c = random.choice(b)
while l == 1:
    print "1) Single Player"
    print "2) Two Players"
    a = input("Chooce Amount Of Players: ")
    if a == 1:
        d = raw_input("Guess A Number Between One And Ten: ")
        if c == d:
            print "You Win!"
        elif c != d:
            print "You Lose..."
    if a == 2:
        e = raw_input("Player 1, Choose A Number Between One And Ten: ")
        f = raw_input("Player 2, Guess A Number Between One And Ten: ")
        if f == e:
            print("Player 2 Wins!")
        elif f != e:
            print("Player 1 Wins!")
    print "1) Play Again"
    print "2) Exit"
    g = input("Make Your Decision: ")
    if g == 1:
        l = 1
    if g == 2:
        l = 0
Don't worry, I thought i clicked on the pearl section.
That;s nice thanks for sharing
Very nice Big Grin
Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for the share. Looks cool!
Thanks for the share. Nice work.
Nice with the first one, but when you start using 'for loops' you will be able to shorten the second code =P