These aren't 3D, although they are cool.
It's an illusion, they're 2D, and they only look 3D from a certain angle.
Here's some more:
Aah alright mate i have NO knowledge about it but i liked these images so shared it, Thanks for the reply.
Really awesome pictures. I've saw those on youtube :>
Yeh I've seen this sorta thing before. Really cool ideas. Thanks for the share.
I love these pics, you have to look twice to notice there fake but :L
That is some crazy crap! It kinda made me dizzy! haha
I hope he's a professional artist. That's freaking good...
Oh yeah I've seen these a long time ago when I used to stumble. Amazing pieces, you almost get vertigo looking at some of these.
Ya, it's some of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen.