What do you guys use to play your music?
I use iTunes, thinking about getting WinAMP but then I say no, lol I am still deciding.
First I used iTunes, then tried WinAMP. Didn't like WinAMP all that much, so I switched back to iTunes.
I use Limewire, Windows Media Player and Itunes on occasions.
I use VLC Media Player
It's great because it can open virtually anything.
(music, images, videos, movies, you name it).
I used Window Media Player but I also use the internet radio

I mainly use iTunes or YouTube to listen to my music.
iTunes, Youtube, or Windows Media Player. It all depends on whatever I am in the mood of using. If it is a song I am too lazy to download, I will just use YouTube.
I mostly stream internet radio, for that i use vlc. when playing music already stored on my computer i use audacious or rythmbox.
I use Amarok on my Linux machines and iTunes on Windows and Mac. I've used XMMS extensively in the past and it's a great application but I don't like where they're going with XMMS2. And I can't remember when I stopped using WinAmp; at least seven years ago.