I viewed my profile earlier and look at my referrals:
It's cause by the incorrect value put in to the member.php file in MyBB. Instead of giving the profile a value (e.g, uid=1 which is Omniscient) it doesn't parse it correctly and takes you to your own profile, therefor for some reason displaying a referrals bug.
Thats cool, it does it for me aswel though.
Yeah I forgot about that bug. I have to fix it.
Sure, it's obviously not essential and doesn't pose a risk.
Haha that's crazy. +3800 refferals
So you owned Omni's profile for a while. LOL .
Looks like you're in need of some super referral award.
Bugs make me smile sometimes.
That's interesting. When you clicked Details, what did appeared?
It's loooong been fixed guys.