Personally I love them, I think they are great, very simple and very cheap too.
I wanted to know other people's experiences, Before I decide to buy few more years on few of my domains with them.
Seems like a good one. Will visit it shortly and see the prices.
Yeah, Currently i have 3 doamin registerd there and never had single problem neither.
Also they accpet unverifed paypal(helped me back time ago but now i am verifed anyway)
(10-08-2010, 02:31 AM)Zankza Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, Currently i have 3 doamin registerd there and never had single problem neither.
Also they accpet unverifed paypal(helped me back time ago but now i am verifed anyway)
Wow? That's great, anyway I've alredy verified my paypal, but it will help my cousine. He has unverified paypal with around 150$ and he looks to buy domains. This will be great for him, I will contact him and tell him about the site.
I've been registering domains there for a long time, they're a good company and I've never had issues with them before.
They aren't a 'real' registrar, they just resell eNom. I'd go with something official like
Yes, they are just a reseller, but they are still a great company.
They are not the cheapest domain registrar out there but they are at the top of their game with user friendly control panel and I really like how they inform you of whats happening to your account.
One of the registers i use.
Cant complain about it. Quite a good service all in all.
yea i would also recommend to anyone looking to buy a domain, i have bought a few domains from there.