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sounds like uve been hanging with some stoners,
best thing for you to do is confront BOTH of them, the stoner and ur ex
explain stuff to your ex and try and sort things out with the stoner. hopefully u 2 lovebirds will get back together

p.s. i know u did nothing wrong but act sorry to her NO MATTER WHAt, girls love that stuff.
any problems or questions, im here

oh yeah, no offense on calling them stoners lol
There is nothing wrong with smoking weed every once in a while, just dont make it a daily thing and spend all of your money on it.
To be honest man, it really isn't worth it to smoke that crap unless you have a really good reason... If she won't believe you that you didn't smoke it the second time, maybe she wouldn't end up trusting to in the end.
You should clear it up with the guy whoever was telling the lies to the girl. This isn't right and if you weren't really lying you could report him, I think so.
a would beat the crap out of the person that told your ex if i was you Smile
Get a new one mate ;)
(10-08-2010, 01:31 AM)koolhunkk Wrote: [ -> ]Get a new one mate ;)

i dont want a new one
(10-08-2010, 12:31 PM)Drizzy Wrote: [ -> ]i dont want a new one
I didn't before either... I found a better girl but in the end she ended up dumping me too... lol. I know there is someone better out there for me now. You just begin to learn it over time... It's a lot better when you keep your head up and stay strong. If you really want help, message me on live messenger or aim...
Stop smoking and tell her you're ready to start again.
I must say i feel for you bro, but i also must say i feel you deserved it, you smoked it once told her you wouldn't do it again and you did it again you must live with the consequence if she decided not to take you back.
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