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Full Version: Halo: Reach Ranks Released
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Pages: 1 2
I believe they might adjust the credits required for some ranks.
crap. I got a long way to go to get to Reclaimer, for my helmet.
Wow... if I ever get that many credits, I'm going to feel like such a twat buying a rank up.
(10-07-2010, 08:50 AM)Art of Music Wrote: [ -> ]Wow... if I ever get that many credits, I'm going to feel like such a twat buying a rank up.

You don't buy the rank up, you just get it at that many credits.

Ive been looking for this, now i know ill never be the max level.
Thanks, I always have wondered how this ranking works. Now I can check again find out what's my next rank!
I need to get halo reach :/
Pages: 1 2