I am starting a forum for my local area. What kinda content do you guys think would be good to start getting users? Right now the only thing i have to offer on my forums is moderator spots.
Thanks in advance!
Im still stumped. Please give feedback!
Local, as in your neighbourhood? I suppose local events would be a good start.
You could put things like local news in there I guess. I'm not sure how the copyright thing would go unless you wrote a headline out yourself. Something simple like that. But the only thing is, adding content to your website will never get you any network traffic by itself. You'd need to go advertise your link in local areas. And since it's local I won't really suggest putting it on youtube, but maybe your facebook or twitter since those are the people in your community for the majority. Social networking advertising is a great way to get it out there, since it's part of an everyday trend lately for some.
Sign up to google analytics so that you can get your page out there on google search. It probably won't be at the top since it's only targetting your local area, however if people can't remember the link you advertise in your community, it's likely that they are going to search something up on google to try and remember what it was if they were interested. Make sure you have your keywords set and content full of the keywords that you predict they will search to come up with your website so that googles crawlers can make note of that when they search it up.
And as long as your keywords aren't original words like "News" "Forum" it will probably come up
It's ranked by websites that have similar keywords, so if one of your keywords was as random as "lksdjkfshgs" then if you typed that in google, yours would probably come up as number one. So if you want them to be able to look your website up THAT way, just make sure your website content, and keywords are unique.
Hope all that long description helped you out
You should really leave notices at local community places. It'd be great. You also should have content, and including latest news for your local area. Eventually, I would also add a classifieds(not in the beginning though).
Also, don't offer moderator spots. It shouldn't be an incentive to post to become a moderator. Add staff when it's necessary, not when you need posts.
Try and tell a LOT of people in your local area about it and hope the word spreads. Put it up to a lot of people on facebook, twitter, etc as well like infinity said.
Forums generally speaking dont suit locals. Perhaps Countries and certainly languages but not locations.
If that is your only niche then i think your going to struggle.
yeah i was wondering where aswell u meant by local?