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Well, you have finally installed MyBB. If not, you need to read this thread. It's written specifically for cPanel users, but, you can figure it out on your own hosting control panel.

Now, you don't like that plain jane MyBB Default theme do you? Of course not, no one does. So, we are going to need to upload a theme. If you are capable, you can create your own theme, if you don't want to, don't have the time, or just don't know how, take a look through the MyBB Themes. Now, there are many other places around the net to get them from, but, that is the link to the MyBB site.

Once you download, you need to extract all the files. I prefer to always extract them originally to my desktop then move them after I'm done uploading, this way I can get to them easy for the next step.

Which is to upload the XML file through your admin CP. So, log into your Admin CP if you are not already.

You will see a tab at the top, Templates and Style. Click that. You should now be viewing all your themes that are uploaded.

Now, on this page you will see the top tabs, and just below them in the centerish of the page, another set of light tabs. Click on Import a Theme.

Make sure the Local File radio button is clicked, and then click browse and find the XML file for your theme. Then go to the bottom and click, Import a Theme. You may get an error that it was written for a previous version. So long as you are still in 1.4.x and you downloaded form the 1.4.x section, you can click "Ignore Version Compatability." Make sure you browse for the file again.

Now that your theme is uploaded, you will need to upload the images. How do you do this? Well, you need FTP access. So log into your FTP Client (I prefer Filezilla).

Upload the images, to the images directory. You generally need to keep them in the folder they come in. As in there should be at least one folder that all the images are in (some themes also have other folders mixed in with their images, keep that structure in tact).

Now, you are going to want to use that theme right? To do that, click on Templates and Styles again at the top. Find your theme, click on the options on the left, and Force on Users. Do it again and click Set as Default. Now, click View your Forum. Your theme should be working. If you are still having trouble, post it here and I'll help you out.
Good tutorial. Some people dont know how to do this Big Grin
Yup, which is exactly what brought me to write this Big Grin

Grizzly.Your POsts Are always amazing
A great tutorial Grizzly, well done Smile
What other MyBB/hosting related tutorials would people like to see?

Thanks Danger, I try to help Big Grin
Well I would say plugins but you already have one for that Tongue
Yup, I did a preemptive strike Big Grin
Many people want to add a subscription to their site, maybe you could write up a simple little guide about adding that feature?
Yeah, I may do that. Good idea.