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Okay so I have this dream a lot, where I am riding down the road in a car, and I go over a bridge, and there is a big crack in the bridge infront of us, and we fall in the water :/

And sometimes I'm in my school bus and we drive over the bridge and wreck into the water...

Does anyone know what this means/stand for? I'd like to figure it out so I can work on this problem...

**This was brought on my omniscient's post**
Too me personally it sounds like you have a fear of water / or drowning
I'm not scared of that at all, except maybe drowning but I do love swimming.
Maybe it means you're drowning yourself in your social life, or you're just drowning your social life. (since you're on a bus)

Are you trying to be someone you aren't?
Are you having trouble fitting in or getting along with other people?
I'm no psychologist but my guess would be you are scared to be put in a situation where you can do nothing about it, maybe something or somebody dear to you.
But I would talk to a psychologist about it, they can help you if it bothers you.
My guess would be that you fear being in a situation beyond your control, which is really a situation that most people are fearful of anyway. Don't pay too much attention to it, though. Interpreting dreams are like interpreting horoscopes: general and applicable to most people.