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When you dream Do you dream in color or black and white? I tend to think I dream in color. But scientist say we dream in black and white? What's up with that?
My dreams seem to always be in colour, but if what you have stated is true then I have no idea. Do you have any articles on the matter? I'm interested in finding out more.
I've never dreamed in B&W. It might be pretty cool though, like a movie from the early 1900s. :3
I dream in colour. So the scientific statement you mention is puzzling.
(09-28-2010, 11:38 AM)Skill Wrote: [ -> ]My dreams seem to always be in colour, but if what you have stated is true then I have no idea. Do you have any articles on the matter? I'm interested in finding out more.

Meh No article. I'm sure I could google one for ya. Scientist used to say this about 10 years ago. But now a days it could be different. I remember a few years ago maybe like 7-8 years ago I asked my parents and they said they dream in B&W. But who knows.
All of my dreams are in colour; I have never had a dream in black and white.
(09-28-2010, 01:56 PM)Zeon Wrote: [ -> ]All of my dreams are in colour; I have never had a dream in black and white.

Can you honestly say that you haven't though I mean yeah in our minds we think it was in color But in all truth and honesty it might have really been in black and white.
Who stated we dream in black and white? As far as I can remember, I've dreamt in vivid colour.
(09-28-2010, 02:16 PM)Hoop Wrote: [ -> ]Who stated we dream in black and white? As far as I can remember, I've dreamt in vivid colour.

Um please read the topic again and then post. And You think you dream in color but you got no clue.
I dream in color. My dad told me he used to dream in color but over time he began to dream in black and white as he grew older.
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