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You shouldn't change who you are though should you? Because once you do that your not you your just another member of the crowd.

Well that's my view I don't care what people think of me I don't fit in because I'm me.
(10-01-2010, 04:58 AM)R4GE_Xy-Cliche Wrote: [ -> ]The reason you care is because, you want to be like everyone else. you dont have enough confidence in who you are so you need to be popular to give you more. I understand you are like most people and the news and magizines dont help with that crap making you think you have to be popular or hot or anything. Trust me no matter how you act you WILL find a group you can be with.

So is there anyway to stop being like everyone else, because its sounds easier than actually doing.
Nice Seems like a solid guide and should work.
Interesting tutorial. It had some valid points there, and it does work indeed.
And yeah, seems like Josh, Dominik and I have something in common, we all are/used to be called Assholes on school. I don't really mind it really.
(10-01-2010, 09:55 PM)Dark3n Wrote: [ -> ]So is there anyway to stop being like everyone else, because its sounds easier than actually doing.

I'd say it is defiently possible but hard. I was personally raised to not care what people thought and that heped me alot. I would say just do everything you possibly can to be like you want to be, if someone says something bad just keep walking, or depending on how you are stand up for yourself right there and then and you will get that part taken care off and not near as many people will mess with you about it.
(10-02-2010, 07:11 AM)R4GE_Xy-Cliche Wrote: [ -> ]I'd say it is defiently possible but hard. I was personally raised to not care what people thought and that heped me alot. I would say just do everything you possibly can to be like you want to be, if someone says something bad just keep walking, or depending on how you are stand up for yourself right there and then and you will get that part taken care off and not near as many people will mess with you about it.

i will try my hardest to change myself.
NO! do not change yourself. be who YOU ARE. DONT CHANGE FOR ANYONE!
I personally like being different.
I'm liked for being different, and I'm also hated for it.
But I refuse to become unoriginal just because you are 'accepted' by a vast majority of people.
Look's nice I guess, Should help other member's.
(10-02-2010, 09:40 AM)R4GE_Xy-Cliche Wrote: [ -> ]NO! do not change yourself. be who YOU ARE. DONT CHANGE FOR ANYONE!

Well, then i don't understand. I want to act differently.
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