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Full Version: Captcha not loading, MyBB
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I've just re-installed my forum and for some reason the captcha no longer loads. It's not loading on the registration page or for guest posting.

I was wondering if anyone knew the files it's linked so as i think one may be wrong, edited wrong.

Thank you.
Try to re-upload Captcha.php through your FTP.
Tried that, still nothing. Sad
Have you checked the contents of your contact.php file? Perhaps it got corrupted in the download process.
If you suspect that the code might not look how it should, then you will have to ask around for someone to supply you with some code which will generate the captcha. (Or if you know php, then code it yourself).

If that isn't the problem, then I'm sorry but I don't know what else you can do.
I haven't used MyBB software for a while now but I remember having this problem once before. I'm sure I just re-uploaded the file/s needed for captcha and it worked fine.

Perhaps I'm not the best person to help you out.
You might just have a bad installation of myBB. My solution would be to backup, then reinstall myBB.
(09-23-2010, 03:06 PM)Brandon Wrote: [ -> ]You might just have a bad installation of myBB. My solution would be to backup, then reinstall myBB.

Would he really need to do that? I don't know much about MyBB anymore as I haven't used it in a while but would he not just need to make sure the captcha.php files are all uploaded correctly?
This happened when i moved to a new host, from a backup. As far as i know, it was working when i backed up, something may be missing though. It's just knowing what files - captcha.php is definitely there.
I have no idea unfortunately, however a complete change may be in order. From what I've seen from this problem in the past the issue was a ton of extra code in weird files on multiple files(that were unrelated).

See if you read that article it says the guy's problem was a weird code on top of multiple pages. I can't say I know which ones to edit, so I recommend (If possible) just reinstalling myBB and then restoring the database.

Check your font files and make sure GD is enabled. Also make sure captcha is enabled in the settings.
I'd try backing up again, reinstalling mybb and restore backup see, if it works..
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