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Hey guys. I originally posted this tutorial on HF, but not many people noticed it there, so I'm also posting this tutorial here.
I slightly modified it, removed some images, etc.

Oh, by the way, this is a Paint.NET tutorial, but this may also work on PhotoShop - I promise I will remake this tut and write it for PS as soon as my main laptop with Windows will be fine.

1. Let's begin with creating a new image (Ctrl+N) of any size (I used 800x600).
2. Select Paint Bucket tool and fill the background with black (#000000) and create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N).

3. Now pick the "Lasso Select" tool and draw something simillar to a spiky circle (I don't recommend using the "Ellipse Select" tool.). You can use any size, but with 800x600 image I recommend using 300x120 px selection.

4. Go to Effects -> Render -> Clouds. You can render clouds at the default settings. For this tutorial I used black and white color, but I recomment using #7E44A3 (RGB 126,68,163) and #CE52D8 (RGB 206,82,216).

This is what I got - feel free to use it:
5. Duplicate the layer with the circle-like shape - repeat this step at least 5 times.

6. Go to Effects -> Blurs -> Motion Blur and set values simillar to mine.

7. Hide all layers except the background and the one you are going to Motion Blur again. Go to Effects -> Blurs and do Motion Blur again, but slightly modify the angle. Repeat this for all the layers, but don't forget to change the angle for each of them!

Here is my final result.

Hope you enjoyed Victoire
I love using motion blur for creating backgrounds. It always gives a very nice effect.