Yeah I agree, We need some new userbars

I think they do flow well with with the theme and the ones from HF wouldn't work well here at all.
(09-16-2010, 02:43 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]I think they do flow well with with the theme and the ones from HF wouldn't work well here at all.
im not implying that the HF userbars need to be here lol. im simply stating these are too flat. and they detail is very low.
I think them being flat and simple makes them perfect for this forum. They are clean and professional looking.
(09-16-2010, 03:28 PM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]I think them being flat and simple makes them perfect for this forum. They are clean and professional looking.
As i will not say they arn't clean or professional i am simply doubting that the whole community will like them.I know this isn't suppose to copy HF but new ones wouldn't hurt? but i may be wrong.
Less details is good, makes it more professional.
Whole community doesn't have to like them, people need to learn to accept things.