I went to a horror festival yesterday with some friends. I'll probably go again next week, and probably on Halloween as well. Also, I plan to raid Walmart for all of their half priced candy
What about y'all?
I'm going trick o treating of course!
I'm 20, but im going trick o treating, i never eat candy and this is the only time ill eat it.
I'm 15, and I'd go trick-or-treating, but I can't be bothered. You can get just as much candy for like $5, and you don't have to waste 2 hours doing it ^^
I never actually eat the candy I get from trick o treating. I just do it for the fun of it, ringing houses and getting some candy. Good times.
I'm going to think up of a huge trick to prank all my friends. Or one individually for each of them.
I will most likely go out and test my luck. May I ask whens Halloween ?
(10-04-2009, 10:31 PM)TrueBlue Wrote: [ -> ]I will most likely go out and test my luck. May I ask whens Halloween ?
October 31st. This year, it falls on a Saturday.
I'm probably dressing up this year again. More like cosplaying >.>
For Halloween, I most likely will be going to a Yugioh sneakpeek, if everything goes right. If not, I'll dress up as a zombie and walk around town =P