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Reach is good, but its not like h3 where you can play it all day, i can play it a couple hours max and its gets boring...cant wait for black ops now, 3D! Big Grin
I'd prefer halo reach, because of its simplicity GUI, and the elements of game play.

You can't just really explain but you can feel the huge difference, and I can play all day long without getting boring!
Black ops ftw. Big Grin
BTW; im still going buy black ops, and from there im going post an official review from me.

lets see how much it changes my view on both products from and after.
Black Ops.
The thing i like about halo over cod is that halo actually takes skill.
I'm glad that Omni took away -rep for this post:
I feel that Halo is one big cartoon, and I would rather play a game called "Roadrunner vs. Wiley Coyote".
I hate Reach. H3 is good, but not reach.

Black Ops all the way.
I like both game but i think the best is going to black OPs.
its call of duty black ops all the way
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