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Full Version: Halo Reach Vs Call Of Duty: Black Ops
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Both! I like both series and Halo: Reach owns the Halo Series

Black Ops new modes look so fun!

They are both so different, can't really compare the 2.
Halo is just all around better now..
There both good games In my opinion, but Im going for Black ops because of the gadgets and customization features.
reach is soo much better halo ftw!
Call of Duty is going to be much better then reach in my opinion.
Call of duty, because I suck at halo!
Guaranteed Black ops is a better game than Halo. I just like FPS games more.
Reach wasn't as good as i thought it would be and im really looking forward to blackops
Call Of Duty: Black Ops because I've played COD games, and I never played Halo.
HALO REACH wooh, I've had it sense the day it came out its a great game but after awhile it does get boring.
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