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I wanted Halo Reach to be a good game but its not, so I will have to go with Black Ops.
Black Ops got a lot of people excited because of the new features in Black Ops. Plus the game just looks amazing and off the wall.
I was looking forward to Halo Reach however I realised that it was extremely rubbish because it is the same as the first one but it just has better graphics.
Wow black ops is in the lead skids lol Omg
I'd love to see Black Ops do very well. A lot of people are saying BO will beat Reach in opening day sales, but we'll see.
call of duty all the way
It's a tough battle tho, it's hard to tell cause both games are different.
Call of duty black op's
nuff said
They're fairly different thus not a good comparison IMO, MoH vs. Black Ops on the other hand...

Anyway, I haven't played either but from the looks of it, Black Ops seems like it'll grab my attention better in the long run as I'm used to that type of gameplay more.
Before Reach came out, I honestly thought it would be a bad game.
It just looked like Halo was losing it's touch that kept it in the business.

I was excited for Black Ops when I heard that you could customize your scope, and I've always wanted to do that.
I've seen a lot of things copied in that game, but I liked everything they copied, so I can't complain.
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