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Halo? I don't like it at all. I prefer COD Smile

P.S I don't like Halo or COD. I used to play COD,now i don't.
This is hard to say but i would have to say call of duty, because i am much more familiar with the cod franchise, and well, i just like it better. Its hard to explain why.
I'm a Halo guy, but Reach sucked so now I'm playing Black Ops.
Call of duty BO made 860,000,000 dollars (US) in the first four days of its official release. BO FTW
(11-16-2010, 08:57 PM)L3g1tWa5te Wrote: [ -> ]Call of duty BO made 860,000,000 dollars (US) in the first four days of its official release. BO FTW

That is rather astounding!
I can't really say, since I don't have Reach and since it's only for xbox. (I don't go on my xbox much anymore)...
but I do have Black Ops and I gotta say it's really good, as for campaign and zombie mode that is.
Ok, make sure you just vote on the poll.
COD black ops . . is like the same old s*** . HALO reach is the best to look forward .
(11-20-2010, 03:14 AM)Ian Bothom Wrote: [ -> ]COD black ops . . is like the same old s*** . HALO reach is the best to look forward .

How do you figure? Black Ops has far more features than the previous Call of Duties. If you're talking about "they're all war games" then obviously that concept is the same, no different from Halo.
(11-20-2010, 06:40 AM)TeeCp Wrote: [ -> ]How do you figure? Black Ops has far more features than the previous Call of Duties. If you're talking about "they're all war games" then obviously that concept is the same, no different from Halo.

I agree with this comment and Black Ops is completely different from the previous Call Of Duty games.
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