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What game were you most excited about before neither of them came out?

Halo Reach is coming out soon, but Black Ops is already out.

I am looking forward to Halo Reach!

Let's GO!
Call Of Duty, because I don't like Halo.
You got it the wrong way round my friend you said black ops is already out it's halo reach that's out Smile I like black ops due to me having a ps3 lol Tongue
(09-15-2010, 09:28 AM)superjoe128 Wrote: [ -> ]You got it the wrong way round my friend you said black ops is already out it's halo reach that's out Smile I like black ops due to me having a ps3 lol Tongue

He's right, wrong way round. Tongue
I thought Halo isn't out yet either, was it not later this week or next?
Anyway come on Black Ops Roflmao
CoD for sure halo sucks balls, i hate the fact that killing somthing takes about 3 rounds of ammo.
I've never like halo, and honestly never will.
The commercial for reach is appealing, I admit I'd like to try it, but Black Ops will just pwn Smile
(09-15-2010, 09:30 PM)`P R O D I G Y™ Wrote: [ -> ]I've never like halo, and honestly never will.
The commercial for reach is appealing, I admit I'd like to try it, but Black Ops will just pwn Smile

agreed the commercial was pretty cool but from what i know and what i heard reach gets a 3/10
They're both pretty different. I cant legitimately compare the two.
Call of Duty, I can't stand all the fictitious things in Halo. I don't know why. I don't like the weapons, or models or anything. Call of Duty is a lot more fun for me.
Black Ops for sure.. But Reach just came out a couple days ago, on the 14th I believe.. I haven't got it yet, I'll wait for the hype to come down.

I've already pre-ordered Black Ops though. =p
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