I've just accepted NekoChan.
I also reviewed Zurmi's posts and you've been added too.
I'll join this group :p
Same as robbieava except I've been inactive recently, I'll be more active >
7/10. Meaning we will be in business hopefully soon
I would like to join because I am very mature and love helping people get through their problems. I am an active member on these forums as well.
The OP membership requirements have changed, members who are interested in helping further in the emotional support section are going to be accepted, members are going to be given a chance to prove they are genuine otherwise they will be removed at a later date.
Members accepted:
-[i]Dzire-™, Hustler
So what, does this mean I have to prove myself somehow? If you look through my posts, most of them (after a few pages) are in the emotional support. Look at a few of my posts or something. I feel I give good support.
It will be a well suitable group as our forum name implies [Supportforums].
i really love the idea behind this group as it tends to provide emotional support to our forum users
Good luck and warm wishes to everybody
(09-11-2010, 10:01 PM)Pink Floyd Wrote: [ -> ]So what, does this mean I have to prove myself somehow? If you look through my posts, most of them (after a few pages) are in the emotional support. Look at a few of my posts or something. I feel I give good support.
You where already accepted a while ago.
Skill and the mentalist were accepted. Applied via PM.