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Full Version: Geek Squad [Now Recruiting]
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Group Name: Geek Squad

Group Image: [Image: geek-squad.png]

Group Mission: To help the members of SF in the Computer Support section as best as possible and in a friendly manner, while increasing our knowledge.

Membership Requirements:
  • Must speak great English and use proper grammar!!
  • Some amount of rep showing that you are helpful, HQ, etc.
  • Over 100 posts
  • Must be an active member/poster
  • Knowledge about computers (you must show me this through your posting)
  • The requirements listed above are more like guidelines. Just because you meet them doesn't mean you'll get in! If I feel like you deserve to get in then you'll get in. I will look at the quality and quantity of your posts in the Computer Support section. What is most important to me are posts in the "PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support" section.

How to Apply:
  • Tell me your age
  • Provide me with a link to any guides you've created on SF
  • Tell me anything about yourself that you feel will is noteworthy
After you post in this thread I will tell you if you've been accepted, if not then I might not say anything.
If you apply to this group without posting in this thread, you will be auto denied.

Leader(s): Members:
  1. Deltron
  2. Infinity
  3. Laugh
  4. Proof
  5. Reality
  6. Sam
  7. Scalise
  8. Shock
  9. Splodge0007
  10. ThomasĀ®
  11. Untouch
  12. WMM

For people who are already accepted: You will be kicked from the group if you aren't actively posting multiple times a week.
I wish you the best of luck with your group. Smile
I'll gladly support this group, count me in. Smile
(09-08-2010, 06:11 PM)Untouch Wrote: [ -> ]I'll gladly support this group, count me in. Smile

Great, I think I'll lower the post requisite a bit
Let me in! I'm very knowledgeable in the PC area. Smile
(09-09-2010, 02:29 AM)Malware Boss Wrote: [ -> ]Let me in! I'm very knowledgeable in the PC area. Smile

Big Grin

Probably less than him, but yeah.
Make a memberlist also.
Memberlist created, 4 of us so far.
Group userbar is up, tell me what you guys think
Omniscient said max 25px height, it's 26 Tongue
Not sure about the green text, try the blue one and post it too. Big Grin
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