If I were you I would go for yellow. Green doesn't stand out enough.
Green and yellow are the best. I like green the most.
If Omni will let me use the green that's in the background then I think I'll use it, because the green that is currently in the userbar is a bit dark.
lol I'm not sure which one looks best.
If Omniscient lets you use the blue in the icon I think that would look the best.
Well i want to be in the group i am geek for sure.
I am very good student studying in prestigious college.
But why the requirements are so high
Maybe you will get accepted, we need 10 members to make it a group.
Then maybe when we become a group the requirements can come into place.
It's all upto Nemmyy.
The yellow fits in with SFs layout. Good luck.
Hmm lets see what nemmy decides.
I think i will get into this.
I think I'll lower the requirements until I get the 10. From what I understand I don't have to accept all 10 though, not 100% sure. Either way, welcome Pink Floyd and -[i]Dzire-™