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(03-20-2011, 08:36 AM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]System.out.println("Nemmyy is a loser");


hahah...tried installing Java/JCreator at home to do my makeup work. It didn't go well Pinch. I can't import utilities like the Scanner haha.
I am a 1337 coder.

(03-20-2011, 08:37 AM)Mous Wrote: [ -> ]
Nemmyy Wrote:Each of you have only posted twice in the 'PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support' section and not a lot in the others. You'll have to show me what you're capable first before I let you in. Also, coding doesn't have anything to do with this group...I suck at coding Tongue

o.o You said 200 posts, not "200 posts in the help section" >.>
You should change your requirements so people know.

Just because you meet the requirements doesn't mean you'll get in. I do say, "Not many specific requirements, if I feel like you deserve to get in then you'll get in. I will see the quality and quantity of your posts in the Computer Support section." I guess that isn't clear enough though, I'll edit it. Sorry about that.
Mike, just say 200 posts total, with a significant amount pertaining to the computer/technology topics.

(03-20-2011, 08:44 AM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]200 posts total, yes. But, they don't all have to be in the help section.

What Nemmyy is saying is that it'd be nice to see that you post a lot in the help section seeing that you want to join a group that is trying to help people, lol.

Thank you sir Blackhat
(03-20-2011, 08:44 AM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]200 posts total, yes. But, they don't all have to be in the help section.

What Nemmyy is saying is that it'd be nice to see that you post a lot in the help section seeing that you want to join a group that is trying to help people, lol.

>.> I've been replying to almost every active thread.

I know what he means, I"m saying that posting in the help section wasn't in
the listed requirements, and he should change that. Cause now I have to go
hunt down threads in that section.
(03-20-2011, 08:46 AM)Mous Wrote: [ -> ]>.> I've been replying to almost every active thread.

I know what he means, I"m saying that posting in the help section wasn't in
the listed requirements, and he should change that. Cause now I have to go
hunt down threads in that section.

Ok, well now you have 3 posts in "PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support," 1 in "Networking, Wifi, and Internet Connection Help," 3 in "Web Browser Help," and none in any other Computer Support section. Why would I let you in with such little posts? I do think you are a good member but you haven't helped much in that section. Like I said earlier, I will change the requirements to make them more clear.
(03-20-2011, 09:04 AM)Nemmyy Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, well now you have 3 posts in "PC Hardware Help and Desktop Support," 1 in "Networking, Wifi, and Internet Connection Help," 3 in "Web Browser Help," and none in any other Computer Support section. Why would I let you in with such little posts? I do think you are a good member but you haven't helped much in that section. Like I said earlier, I will change the requirements to make them more clear.

*shrugs* Idaknow, ask me questions?

Only reason I haven't posted in there is because I don't lurk there, I lurk the "today's posts" and "new posts"
Nemmyy get on MSN! >:[
(03-20-2011, 09:14 AM)Mous Wrote: [ -> ]*shrugs* Idaknow, ask me questions?

Only reason I haven't posted in there is because I don't lurk there, I lurk the "today's posts" and "new posts"

So do I.

(03-20-2011, 09:17 AM)Shock Wrote: [ -> ]Nemmyy get on MSN! >:[

No, I'm too lazy and have homework to do. What do you want?
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