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Ok well I decided to kick things off with a Graphics group.

Group Name: GFX Elites

Group Image: [Image: GFXElites.png]

Group Mission: To create a Graphics community where members can share innovative designs and inspire one another to become true GFX Elites.

Membership Requirements:
  • 75+ Posts
  • Post 3 examples of your best work.
  • Have a true passion for creating Graphics.
I think thats about all I need to say. So get applying guys! Hopefully this can be one of the main groups here on Support Forums.

NOTE: Once you've been accepted, please go to your User CP > Group Memberships, and then submit a join request.


Member List:

Member Count: 12

"To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams." - Banksy

lol well weird name for the graphics group but ok.
You seen my work so do I still need to post it. Unsure

I also recommend bringing the post requirement down as most people don't have that many. Maybe to 200+? Tongue
(09-08-2010, 04:51 PM)Untouch Wrote: [ -> ]lol well weird name for the graphics group but ok.
You seen my work so do I still need to post it. Unsure

I also recommend bringing the post requirement down as most people don't have that many. Maybe to 200+? Tongue

What name do you suggest? And yeh thats true I'll bring it down to 200.
(Accepted by the way.. Tongue)
GFX Guru, Graphics Masters, GFX legends, Inspirational GFX, not sure but something which sounds good.
I've changed the group name to GFX Elites.
Yeah that's good. Maybe GFX Elites if it fits better on the userbar. :p
Don't use white for the username text though, we want the userbar to stand out Big Grin
This group sounds super interesting I will check back with this later.
I'm glad you changed the name. Smile
I'd join, I'm too lazy to post examples though, there's enough of my stuff around here Tongue
(09-08-2010, 09:51 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: [ -> ]I'd join, I'm too lazy to post examples though, there's enough of my stuff around here Tongue

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