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So over the weekend I went over to my cousins house. Normal day and everything. We were having a barbecue and then their dog (black lab named link, age 12 human years) and they have a real big yard. Like 200 acres of forest etc. So he was running and then just did a total flip. What happened was her front paw had caught a rock and ripped off every toenail and the upper skin. Basically front paws gave out and he was in a lot of pain.

I held him all the way back to the house and we put a sock on her just so then the big wound wasn't exposed. The day went on and link seemed to be getting semi better. We then were all eating and we could hear like this squishing sound. So I got up and went over to link and his sock was covered in blood. (Squishing sound coming from stepping with the wet sock with blood)

So my uncle took him to the vet and later that night they had to put him down. I actually remember them getting that dog.. I really liked link .. /:

Man, Sorry to hear that. Do they plan on getting another?

I lost my favorite dog when I was younger, His name was rowdy and he was 15 yrs old at the time. My dad had gotten him when he moved out of his parents house when he was 19 yrs old.
Being a real pet lover i know the pain of loss.
Great to see your posting it to get release.
Nothing more i can say but Keep your chin up. I often reflect the time i did have over the point of loss. Not sure that helps but good luck.
(09-08-2010, 01:22 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Hey bro. REALLY SORRY TO HEAR THIS!!
Being a real pet lover i know the pain of loss.
Great to see your posting it to get release.
Nothing more i can say but Keep your chin up. I often reflect the time i did have over the point of loss. Not sure that helps but good luck.

At this point it's not a feeling of sadness, but a feeling of just like a missing feeling you know? IDK man.

(09-07-2010, 09:23 PM)iPoop On Noobs Wrote: [ -> ]Man, Sorry to hear that. Do they plan on getting another?

They probably will. They love animals.
That's pretty sad. I love my dogs so much, I don't even want to think about them dying like that. Or dying in general. May he rest in piece. Smile
I am sorry to hear about Link. A dog is a mans best friend and it must be very sad to lose something so close.
I mean I know it wasn't mine, but thanks for the response Smile
Still, sad to see an animal go. And you were there. I'd hate that.
Thats sad I hate putting a dog down
The putting down of the dog is worse than the dog having an instant death you have to face a lot more pain yourself but the dog doesn't which is good.
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