So what groups would you guys like to see here? Mind you that I'm not talking about paid premium groups. I'm thinking more about little clique groups for members to control. I may open a subforums for recruiting and such.
Well I would like groups for gaming and graphics please
Anime fans, Gaming addicts, Graphics Artists, Emotional Supporters.
I would have said Tech. team too, but isn't HJT already a tech. team?
Here's a list of groups I'd like to see:
- Coding
- Computer/Technology
- Webmaster
- Graphics
- Gaming
- Emotional Support
- Domaining
Any of the above would satisfy me. I'm sure the majority of SF would agree with at least 3 of the 7 I just stated.
(09-07-2010, 10:45 AM)NekoChan Wrote: [ -> ]I would have said Tech. team too, but isn't HJT already a tech. team?
This, or just a general PC Support Group separate from the HJT squad
- Coding
- Graphics
- Gaming
- Emotional Support
Although if I'm honest I still don't feel any groups should be added at this point.
Something along the lines of a good emotional support group. They would have to be real high quality though you know? Members that are in there quite a lot.
I'll just make a list I guess like other people
-Emotional Support
-A group that helps out all of the Computer Support Topics (Aka Tech Support Group)
-Coder's group
-Writers group
-Devoted gamers group
-Monetizing group
-Website development group
-Health junkies (Something to do with special workouts, diets that have helped, etc)
-Maybe even the mentor group would be a nice proposition?
For the most part most groups are just subjects in your forum that take things more into depth that would share their stuff to a more selective & experienced audience.
Hahah, Can we have a pug group, for the most of you I guess it would be the dog group or more general animal group!
(09-07-2010, 12:48 PM)Michaelmhmhmh Wrote: [ -> ]Hahah, Can we have a pug group, for the most of you I guess it would be the dog group or more general animal group!
I've never in my life known someone to be so obsessed with pugs lol.