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Well, ads are removed if you upgrade. ;)

Most of my mods are active. I had to permanently ban one, because he went around deleting all the threads. Luckily, extremely luckily, in fact - I had backups. I only lost 5 minutes worth of data. Smile
That's really insane that he delete threads/

Suggestion is buy some back links not that free one as that not works.
Where can I buy some back links from? Should I just google it and compare some of the results? Or are most of them scams?

I'll first try looking for a service like this on Hackforums, since I've seen heaps of people do it.
What are back links?? :S
Backlinks (or back-links [UK]) are incoming links to a website or web page. Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of search engines) as a primary means of web navigation; today their significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO)
Not sure what you mean still but ok Big Grin
This is a Backlink. The text here is anchor text.

This is how you correctly make a backlink with anchor text (anchor text is your site name, e.g:
GamingBay - The Gaming Forum | The forums, for gamers.

I hope it's a bit more clear now. Smile
But why would you need to buy backlinks?? o_o?
First of all. I like your site.
Second i think the adds are good.
Third fix this!

[Image: 12842504095638_Capture.png]

Remove it entirely i think. It look silly and at the bottom if actually covers some text.
As for backlinking. Its a good idea if its a site relative to yours.
Dont just go out and get craploads of backlinks that dont matter.
That used to work well but i dont think it will for much longer.
Google is starting to really crack down on crappy backlinks. Even to the point of penalising sites that do it.
Just keep doing what your doing mate.
Perhaps edit the theme a little to make it more inidividual. But do that over time and do it yourself.
Take the time to learn and experiment. Perhaps make a second exact forum so you can test and hack at it?

Anyway. I think its a good site. 8/10 (would be 9 if it was VB lol)
Thank you Daminik. You're helping a lot around here. I appreciate that.

I've removed it, and made it a thread. ;)

I'm really bad at editing the theme, haha. I've made some minor changes, though. Thanks for the 'my threads' link, by the way.

Are you from Australia? GO GILLARD!
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