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Full Version: Ello there :)
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Well as established my Online Identity is/always has been Qwazz
but my real name is Giles.
Outside of Video Games and the internet, my main hobbies consist of:
Glowstringing (with flowlights)
and Playing lacrosse.
I'm 20 years old and would consider myself a gaming enthusiast after over a decade of gaming.


Hello Qwazz and Welcome to Support Forums. I hope you enjoy your stay here and hope to see you around the forums. If you ever need anything Im always here or on othere forums just look for CrazySmurf. Thanks,

Welcome, Giles. We have sections here where you can post about your interests, enjoy.
Welcome to Support Forums. I hope you find some topics of interest.
Welcome to the forum mate. Hope you enjoy your time here.