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Full Version: [C#] Get External IP through Webrequests [Intermediate]
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This is poorly written but does the job. Didn't bother with timeouts, which probably need to be added. And there probably is a faster way of getting your IP but this is the fastest way I could think of.

using System.Net;
using System.IO;

static string IP()
            HttpWebRequest WhatIsMyIP_Request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
            HttpWebResponse WhatIsMyIP_Response = (HttpWebResponse)WhatIsMyIP_Request.GetResponse();
            StreamReader WhatIsMyIP_Source = new StreamReader(WhatIsMyIP_Response.GetResponseStream());
            return WhatIsMyIP_Source.ReadToEnd();

Thanks this is very useful. Nice to see more C# threads as well.
yeah this looks good man, i'm going to try this.
(09-01-2010, 02:07 PM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks this is very useful. Nice to see more C# threads as well.

I'm glad. Thank you. Thumbsup
I already posted this.

(09-02-2010, 07:06 AM)Scammer Wrote: [ -> ]I already posted this.


Two different snippets, not the matter of the output (actually yes..), but the matter of the code. Great minds think alike.
Great to see a C# thread, although I'd probably use a WebClient for this matter.