I love mine, he's a Seal Point Siamese, except he doesn't look like a Siamese.
Favorite Cat Breed: Birman
They are so much win.
I don't really have a favourite type, would cats that do hilarious, cute, random crap count as a type?
All cats are usually beast.
Way easier to take care of then dogs.
Snow leopard it's my favorite too!
That's why I have Snow Leopard OS X Wallpaper on my laptop xD
(10-17-2010, 06:34 AM)Kink Wrote: [ -> ]Favorite Cat Breed: Birman
They are so much win.
That would have to be my favorite cat aswell and I like the color of its' eyes.
Persians ftw. Or mix between the Persian and the normal ones (or how they're called).
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg, Cats are so cute Heh
I love them so much but dont know the names of different types just look at how cute they are @@@
It's weird, I'm an absolute huge cat lover, yet I barely know any cats species.
I think I like kittens when they are tabby or marmalade.
I absolutely love siamese cats. I have a birman, which looks like a mix between siamese and himalayan... she's soo cute and friendly! She looks somewhat like this...
(10-20-2010, 05:18 PM)Apocalypse Wrote: [ -> ]That would have to be my favorite cat aswell and I like the color of its' eyes.
Gorgeous! Fantastic breed, great temperament