The text is not very readable in the signature but it looks pretty awesome. I really like it.
Were the yes like that or did you change them a bit ?
9/10. Great job.
Thanks Hawkins.
I sharpened and contrasted them. Also I contrasted and cleaned face to look like clown.
(08-28-2010, 03:12 PM)turbofreak2010 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Hawkins.
I sharpened and contrasted them. Also I contrasted and cleaned face to look like clown.
Well whatever you did to it, seems like it worked.
Would be interesting to see the original picture of this man though.
Here is the render:
Ohh I see.
You've done a great job darkening the eyes a bit to make them look scarier and better in my opinion.
I like it
The render blends in very well but too bad I don't like the mad hatter
Yea I darkened lips, eyes and I made hair to be denser.
Thanks Untouch. Yea bad Mad Hatter
I like it a lot, but the sig almost has too much.
Looks like you are enjoying this new style. The border doesn't suit, though - perhaps thin, burn or colour edges would suit better.