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My worst bad habit would be that I constantly drink pop.
Around 3-5 cans a day!
Eughhh hate to say but picking my Nose is one.
(09-04-2011, 06:22 PM).edit Wrote: [ -> ]My worst bad habit would be that I constantly drink pop.
Around 3-5 cans a day!

I drink maybe one, so like this but on a miniature scale.
bad habits.

Smoking and drinking near enough everyday!
I LOVE Video Games & drinking soda.
I sleep very less and i keep washing my hands after every few mins . Tongue
Eating, video games, weed. The list goes on.
One of my bad habits is eating a lot of sweets, especially chocolate.
I also stay up late a lot, even on school days. Which is why I am usually very tired during school.
Chocolate is actually healthy for you, but just like almost everything else, only when in "moderation".
I bite my nails, idk why but I can't stop. I also take in way too much junk food.
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