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I yell when I play halo and my mom dosnt like me screaming "Yoda".
Weed is my main vice. Cant stop and dont seem to want to either. Not anytime soon.
Alcohol..... Well i can actually say i am off that now. So thats no longer a vice.
Antagonising would be another big one of mine. I just love to piss people off. What can i say i am a bit of an ass hole. Smile
Debating. Thats another big one i do. More in person than online as i cant type anything like i can talk.
Doing wheelies on my bike. I know its not quite the same but to me it is. Its a damn habbit. I love it but it will prob kill me.
Going to bed late, which messes up my sleep schedule majorly.
Lack of sleep by far, even during the school year my sleeping schedule has cause me to take either afternoon or night classes because I usually get to sleep around 3-5 am
I have terrible sleeping habits! I usually go to sleep around 3AM and wake up around 9AM. It has really put a stress on my life recently. I hope to get into a schedule before school commences!
I prefer foruming more than my studies!
But still i do all of my work and tests!
(09-01-2010, 06:14 PM)Zurmi Wrote: [ -> ]Going to bed late, which messes up my sleep schedule majorly.

Same here.
I don't have many bad habits.
One many be wasting time and other may be hacking sites.
I have such a sweet tooth. I'll eat chocolate till I have none left. (And I'm still skinny as hell)
Smoking Cigarettes.

But, I am planning on stopping (But, fudge that's what every smoker says)
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