Sup Guys !!
how are you ?
i wanted to register at support forums longtime ago .. probably since Omni left HF
Anywayz .. i hope to find some friends.
Hello there, welcome to our community. Omni decided against leaving HF, so he is still there. Glad to have you here, too.
(08-26-2010, 11:13 AM)yehiapsycho Wrote: [ -> ]Sup Guys !!
how are you ?
i wanted to register at support forums longtime ago .. probably since Omni left HF
Anywayz .. i hope to find some friends.
, Omni is still working on hackforums , but giving more time with supportforums , anyway welcome board
Thanks Alot Guys !!
Good to hear that omni is still there =)
Hey bud.. I hope you enjoy your stay here! If you have any questions; feel free to ask
Welcome. I'm going to assume you meant Egypt.
I have always wanted to visit there.
(09-10-2010, 12:48 PM)Zurmi Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome. I'm going to assume you meant Egypt.
I have always wanted to visit there.
Me too. If you did mean that; what is it like to live there?
Updated the thread title .. haha thanks for notifying me xDD
Dude you better come and visist Egypt .. even once me u won't regret
Never knew anyone from egypt, enjoy your stay
Welcome to Support Forums. Even though Omni didn't leave why not still stay with us?