I used to have a girl budgie. But flew away
Flew away? Lol?
How come that happen?
Well I thought it couldn't fly sooo I let her outside and some how she flew away Oo
I don't really have a pet but, i had a fish and a iguana, but the fish died and the iguana i got rid of it cause it's a very carefull animal lol
I'm getting a new cat, we're adopting it, I will post a picture from the adoption site.
My cat Poppy:
My dog Leo:
My dog Charlie (on the left):
I don't have any of these animals now, Charlie has died, Poppy and Leo are with my brother. I love them all so much. <3
im gonna post mine tonight when i get the rest of them ^_^
so far i have 4 cats & 1 hamster
tonight i will have 4 cats, 1 ( maybe 2 ) hamster(s), 2 rats & 4 terrapins
i can hardly wait ^^
EDIT: - ma dad just got me the rats & posted a pic on facebook ^.^ so im posting it here
I'll post better ones tonight